Conference schedule
AUG 29
Evening Conference Opening
18:00 – Pastor Tommy Barnett and Pastor Henry Madava
AUG 30
Conference Services
10:00 – Pastor Tommy Barnett
14:00 – Pastor Henry Madava
18:00 – Pastor Benny Hinn
AUG 31
Conference Services
10:00 – Pastor Tommy Barnett
14:00 – Pastor Henry Madava
18:00 – Pastor Benny Hinn
Conference Videos
The entire Conference is broadcast live and recorded on video. If you have a desire to watch the video, you can purchase a complete set of recordings of all Conference meetings.
Area for children
For the duration of the conference, we have organized a special zone where professional animators will conduct activities with your children. Willingness to leave your child in the zone should be reported at the registration desk. The activities will take place during the session. Full responsibility for the children rests with the parents, who are obliged to pick up the children for the duration of the breaks.
Water will be provided during the classes. Snacks are the responsibility of the parents
Food's Areas
There are several food areas throughout the Conference building for visitors.
On the first floor, there are cafeterias to the right and left where you can purchase food and beverages. The second floor has food areas and several coffee shops.
There are also separate areas for special guests and pastors to socialize and eat on the second floor.
Simultaneous interpretation
Синхронний переклад
Для учасників конференції доступний синхронний переклад через аплікацію Zoom за допомогою вашого телефону та навушників.
Посилання на переклад – за qr-кодом.
Your Contribution Makes a Difference
Join us in spreading the Gospel around the world through your financial support
You can make a donation by using the information below:
Account number: 64 1600 1462 1831 4029 0000 0003
Company name: Fundacja Działań Niezwykłych “Rzeka”
You can make an offering by clicking the button below:
Christ For All Cities
The conference is supported by CfAC International Mission, which conducts large evangelistic cruises in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Support the Mission:
Bank of America
Account no.: 3340 1940 8897
Routing no.: 061 0000 52
Mailing address: PO Box 671312, Atlanta, GA 30066
Accommodation: hotels, restaurants
Here is a selection of hotels and restaurants located close to the conference venue for your convenience.
You can book hotel room directly at a hotel website or on website, for instance.